Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Happy Tuesday SS4YL!

I would like to share another poem......leave me your thoughts!

Sleepless nights, wondering and longing,
Trying to discover the answers and the reasons for belonging.
Grandma starts me off by introducing me to God,
but instead of 'it' being easy, LIFE seemed hard!
Contradiction arises, I start to question a few things, like if I'm a child of The Creator, why does fear seems attached to my last name?
 Why are there setbacks, chaos in my world?
Why was life so difficult when I was a little girl?
Why did those men and women snatch pieces of my body
those lonely nights with no one beside me?
Where was The Creator when my mom left and my dad was hardly around?
Why is it that I can remember frowns but could barely remember smiles!
Why does doors close one by one?
Why are the schools always calling about my sons?
Why do the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor?
Why when I get my paychecks, I always need more?
 I see the sun shining, but it seems so far away,
then I hear the firmness of my grandmother's voice in my ear saying, "Baby, just pray"!
So I do, but not for one day, weeks, months, turned to years.
The Creator begin to pull me from places here to there!
Books, quotes, people, intuition, fasting, praying, I was on a mission!
 My body fought, but my Soul fought harder!
So many things tried to keep me from my father.
But, then this FORCE that I've never felt before,
 gently guided me to each one of those closed doors.
 And as I opened each I soon discovered why,
so much hardship was placed upon my life!
They, the obstacles were not there to stop me or hurt me
but have me be the person God needed me to be!
I had no time for shame, guilt, nor pride,
and with the help of the Creator, I put all those things behind!
Realizing that this LIFE was never about me,
rather a bigger purpose called, My Destiny!

Peace & Positivity!


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